Poila Baishakh – The Bengali New year

Poila Baishakh – The Bengali New year

Poila Baishakh or the Bengali New Year is an occasion of food, get together, laughter and celebration. It also leaves behind some memories which one remembers for the lifetime. Be it childhood memory of all brothers and sisters together or the sumptuous lunch cooked by ma or the first thrill of catching a glimpse of that elusive woman or like in my case the first possession of a book by Satyajit Ray ..

I want to take my blog to the next level #Blogchatter

I want to take my blog to the next level #Blogchatter

I always wanted to leave a note for my son as he is growing up. There are so many stories which I want him to listen to, so many words which I want to share with him. Of late I have realized that if not anything else this blog for him will b worth to read as he grows up . He turns 4 today and what better way to wish him a happy birthday. Happy birthday Tugga

The Telangana Food Festival at ITC Sonar Kolkata

The Telangana Food Festival at ITC Sonar Kolkata

This ‪#‎Telangana‬ food festival is on at ITC Hotels Kolkata. The name of the dishes can be tongue twisters but they surely leave a lingering taste on your taste buds. The tangy spiced fish Pulao or the Karjyam Vepudu or the Royyala vepudu all were winners. Not to forget the Uluvacharu which is claimed to be the signature dish by both Andra Pradesh and Telangana.