Ajay and I normally discuss about racket grips, power and accuracy of serves, forehand power, backhand slice and court coverage. Ajay is my tennis partner. Both at the same stage of the game, which is migrating from intermediate level to serious one. Ajay knows I am a foodblogger and it was as a matter of fact I told him that the bhekti fillets which I got yesterday were not upto the mark. Ajay is a fish exporter by profession and he came as a rescue. He started offering Squids, bhekti and even octopus – aapko chahiye kya? Who would say no? I didn’t. I didn’t act as a gentleman to say – No it’s not that urgent and maybe sometime later.
Ajay came down couple of hours later with 2 packets, one slab of Squids and the other was a large Bhekti fillet. I started eating squids only after my marriage and I must say it’s an acquired taste.When I started off, I used to be puzzled about how people could go so gaga over squids. Have tasted some best and some worst squids also where the squids have almost turned to rubber . Like we change over time and situation, I never let a chance go off now to order squids as a starter. The butter garlic squids when made perfectly are like that perfect backhand shots of Roger Federer. You watch it again and again and again and want to watch it more. There is a sense of glide, silky smoothness and a the flirtatious desire of wanting more.
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Butter Garlic squids
- 250 gms Squids
- 3 tbsp chopped garlic
- 2 tbsp Butter
- 2 tsp refined oil
- 1/2 tsp crushed black pepper
- 2 tbsp chopped spring onion
- 2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
- 1 no green chili
- 2 tsp Lemon Juice
- Making this dish takes no time. It is the cleaning of the squids which is the painful part. The prep time given above does not include the time taken to clean the squid and rid it of the cartilege inside.
- Once the squids are washed and cleaned, cut them into thin rings.
- In a frying pan, take refined oil and once the oil is a little hot (not too much), add the squid rings and spread them around the frying pan evenly.
- Let the heat be at a medium ad toss the squids around. You will notice that it releases water. In a minute of tossing, add 2 tbsp of chopped garlic and increase the temperature so that the water evaporates.
- It is important to control the temperature. Squids take no longer than 5 minutes to cook. Hence depending on teh size of your rings, quantity and the size of the pan, you need to control the heat.
- Stir in some crushed black pepper and 1 tbsp each of chopped spring onion and corainder leaves.
- Finally add the butter with the rest of the chopped garlic. Add some salt if you need to. Since I use salted butter, I don't need to add extra salt.
- Add the lemon juice and the chopped green chili for teh extra heat. Trust me, the green chili does wonders to this dish.
- The liquid from the squid should have evaporated and the butter and lemon juice should have become a thick sauce glued withe the chopped garlic and the squid rings.
- Turn off the heat and garnish with rest of the coriander leaves and spring onions.
- Make sure to serve it fresh. Reheated squids simply taste like rubber.