The Lalit Great Eastern Iftar dinner

The Lalit Great Eastern Iftar dinner

When its Eid around you cannot simply cannot miss the Iftar spread . The festival has got some dishes , some flavours and some smells attached to it . The Lalit Great Eastern Kolkata is offering Iftar dinner on every friday till 17th July – Here’s our account of how it turned out

Rasgulla enters the team for sweethandi

Rasgulla enters the team for sweethandi

Any dream line up of Kolkata sweets is incomplete without the legendary Rasgullas in it . Its like a Top 10 songs of the year list of 70s and 80 s without a Kishore Kumar song in it . Sweethandi has been selling all other famous sweets which are legendary in their own way however the inclusion of Rasgulla in that line up makes it a dream team

Cold Crab Salad in cucumber boats and my tryst with salads

Cold Crab Salad in cucumber boats and my tryst with salads

Summer throws up real challenge in finding food which is summer savvy . All of sudden the normal comfort tasty foods also start tasting bland . In our quest to present summer delicacies – this time cold crab salad in Cucumber boats . This is not only healthy with the presence of bell peppers and cucumber but its tasty too with presence of the crab meat and mayonnaise . This summer this is a must have for all