by Madhushree Basu Roy | May 11, 2022 | Food, Foodblog |
Have you ever tried kancha aam diye mangsho? If not, then I suggest you buy a couple of green mangoes and mutton and make it today. It’s summer after all and this recipe of aam mangsho is not too rich and is so flavourful that you would like to make it...
by Madhushree Basu Roy | May 9, 2022 | Food, Foodblog, Uncategorized |
Mangoes are the only good thing about summer. Okay, ice-creams too but mangoes, ripe and green mangoes both, are what we eagerly look forward to. And along with that, tok dal, aamer ambol, chutney, aam pora shorbot, ripe mango salsa, mango milkshake and so much more....
by Madhushree Basu Roy | May 5, 2022 | Food, Foodblog |
There are a few recipes that are very popular on social media and every year, like clockwork, they do the rounds in the season. Aam shol is one such recipe. Shol maach, also spelt as sole mach is a snakehead Murrel. When it is cooked with season’s fresh green...
by Malini Banerjee | Apr 26, 2022 | Useful Links |
We had a very tiring and busy couple of months. Add to that, it was our son’s final exam, it was a bit too much to handle. Soon after, we wanted to take a break and chill out with a few close friends. Well, we did that and somehow, it turned out to be a massive...
by Madhushree Basu Roy | Apr 24, 2022 | Food, Foodblog |
After two long years, schools have now opened. Most of the offices are back to normal operating spaces. No more online stuff and that also means tiffin boxes for kids. I had almost forgotten what it was to pack tiffin boxes. Two years back, Tugga was a little boy and...