Looking through sunglasses – Can I confess something?
The Farmers’ market by Karen Anand was high on fashion quotient . If there were beautiful food and farm produces on display then there were beautiful people too . As I clicked on the food I also tried to capture some of the trendy sunglasses which were on display . An attempt which could have been more successful , hence the confessions .
Flirting with Fire
Since I started photography , I always wanted to do a theme based series . Fire is one of them . When large flames of fire burn there are so many shapes and forms which get formed . Is it the way we look at those flames or they have their own pattern ? I dont have an answer but I have pictures ..
Rato Machhendranath festival Kathmandu
When we reached Durbar Square in Patan little did we know that we will witness an unique festival of worshipping rain god through a Chariot journey .Rato Machhendranath is considered as the reincarnation of the Lord Shiva by Hindus, while the Buddhists regard him as the Tantric reincarnation of Avalokiteshvara. A 300 year old temple at southern part of Durbar square Patan is where it all started .
Creme Caramel Kolkata – your neighbourhood cake shop
We often used to bypass this small little shop at Circus Row while on our way to office . One day we stopped to experiment and check out that shop . We realised that it was worth the experimentation . Creme Caramel is that cake shop in your neighbourhood which will grow on you ..