Kolkata Farmers’ market by Karen Anand

Kolkata Farmers’ market by Karen Anand

The Farmers’ market by Karen Anand was in its second year for Kolkata . Starting from Burrata station to cold pressed juices to exotic cheeses – it was a carnival. This was an organic mandi showcasing local organic produce and some healthy food and spice options. Read more to find out about this soon to become annual event in Kolkata.

Durga Puja 2015 how many days more ? Pujo aschhe

Durga Puja 2015 how many days more ? Pujo aschhe

A nostalgic trip down the memory lane as what actually defines the fact “Pujo Aschhe ? Yes we bengalees love to call it Pujo instead of Puja . A year long wait with promises to be kept and new promises to be made – Its this time of the year when all the sadness , grief , misunderstandings are kept away for 5 days . Yes the Durgapuja is knocking on the door …