Kolkata Farmers’ market by Karen Anand

Kolkata Farmers’ market by Karen Anand

The Farmers’ market by Karen Anand was in its second year for Kolkata . Starting from Burrata station to cold pressed juices to exotic cheeses – it was a carnival. This was an organic mandi showcasing local organic produce and some healthy food and spice options. Read more to find out about this soon to become annual event in Kolkata.

The Lalit Great Eastern Cake Mixing 2015

The Lalit Great Eastern Cake Mixing 2015

Durga Puja . Kali Puja / Diwali . Bhai Dooj / Bhai Phonta . It seems someone has switched on the invisible festival and celebration mode in Kolkata . As soon as the dhakis leave for their home, faint christmas bells and carols can be heard . Cake Mixing in my opinion is the official beginning of countdown for Christmas . We attended the Cake mixing ceremony at The Lalit Great Eastern Kolkata

Why we blog and Recipe of Okra made with mango mustard sauce

Why we blog and Recipe of Okra made with mango mustard sauce

We are almost there . Its nearing 100 posts and we are in nervous nineties like a batsman in a cricket match . We tried looking back towards all the recipes that we have put up and do a little bit of introspection. Most often we receive complains that we dont put up enough vegetarian posts or recipes . The reason for that and a recipe of Okra made with mango mustard sauce

Durga Puja 2015 – Bijaya Doshomi memories and Mutton Keema Chili

Durga Puja 2015 – Bijaya Doshomi memories and Mutton Keema Chili

Some special dishes have so many memories attached to it . Keema Ghoogni at my uncles place is one such .. If the taste of the dish still lingers on my mouth the memories of my aunt who used to make it still brings smile on my face . We tried to relook at the traditional ghoogni with Mutton keema chili . My eternal keema ghoogni in a new look and some more memories to be created . Shubho Bijaya Dashami .