10 things that I have learnt as a wedding photographer
Wedding photography is not all fun always . Dedication , hard work , focus , sincerity all is needed just like any other profession . My ten best learning as a professional wedding photographer and some tips to overcome some problems

Help Portrait Kolkata 2014 – the first saturday of December
Its 2nd year in a row where I participate in Help Portrait movement by Jeremy Cowart . Help Portrait Kolkata 2014 where we click picture and we give away . This year it was Hope foundation and New Light NGO.

Fine Art Photography II . Momii – silent, surreal and sensuous
Momii the silent surreal and sensuous lady who left us thinking and wanting for more . A photostory of Fine Art Photography workshop .

Fine Art photography I. Dristi the butterfly who transforms into a firefly
My experience in a fine art photography workshop . A girl called Dristi who came in as a butterfly slowly transforms herself to a firefly . A picture essay .